When it comes to car shipping, the first question people have is about the overall price. Then, the next thing they want to learn is how long this entire process lasts. Naturally, the former completely depends on the company you choose, but we have an answer for the latter question. As expected, several things can affect the timing, so we will discuss these as well.
How long does it take?

Generally speaking, most companies will inform you that the shipment of your vehicle will take anywhere between 7 and 10 days. Naturally, there are numerous factors that can affect this timeline, such as the distance and weather, but you also have to keep in mind that the company may be transporting several cars for different states.
It means that the driver will have to stop a few times to pick the vehicles up and only then get back on the road. The same thing can occur if they are dropping off other cars on the way. On the other hand, some companies may use terminals, which can significantly increase the shipping time. This is one of the first things you have to investigate, so make sure to compare car shipping companies, learn about how they conduct their work, and choose the one that works the best for you.
Things that affect the timeline

Even though all the factors are pretty obvious, we will mention some of them. First of all, there is the distance between two points, that is, the route. This is clear – the longer the route, the longer the transport will last. Now, when choosing a company, you should inform them about your requirements and ask them for the estimated time to know what to expect. Furthermore, there is also the matter of the location.
If you are moving to a remote area, it will probably take more time to have your car shipped since most companies conduct their work near large cities, highways, and interstates. The type of your vehicle can also be a factor. If you drive a large van, it can take more time for the professionals to schedule the shipment since they need to find and use specific trucks that can transport it. Finally, you have to consider the time of the year. Just like other businesses, this one also has a peak season. If it is possible, you should avoid hiring them during the summer, not only because this entire process may last longer, but it also may be difficult to find a company that has an open slot.
Can you speed it up?

Well, clearly, you cannot speed up the transport time, but some companies provide you with an opportunity to move forward the pick-up and drop-off dates. Usually, this can take a week or two, but you can speed it up a bit. However, this is considered to be an additional service, meaning that it can significantly increase the final cost. Depending on your own schedule, you may only be at these two locations for a day or two, so you have to pay for this service. If this is the case, make sure to inquire about the process and the fee in great detail beforehand to avoid any unpleasant surprises.