Owning a property in Spain comes with so many benefits since this country offers a variety of experiences that can satisfy everyone’s taste. Most people choose to buy a property somewhere on the coast, where they can enjoy beautiful beaches when summer holidays arrive.
One particular part of Spain has been drawing the attention of so many investors lately – we’re talking about Javea Costa Blanca. Known for its charming towns, with lots of greenery (parks) filled with exotic trees, perfect for a pleasant stay and a relaxed holiday. Owning a piece of property by the sea is a lifelong dream of many, so why not make it a reality.
If you do not know where to start from, here are a couple of tips to serve you as a guideline when buying property in Javea.
1. Budget

When there are talks about buying something, budget is the first thing you need to think about. Think about how much you are able to spend on your property, and whether or not you will need an additional funding source, like a bank loan. Sometimes it takes some time for the loan to be processed, which is why we recommend you think this through before starting your purchase procedure.
2. What kind of accommodation will satisfy your needs?

Javea offers different types of real estate, so it is advisable to think about the type that will satisfy all your expectations from a property. If you have a large family or would like to host a bunch of people there, for summer, it’s best to go for a house. On the other hand, if you plan a private retreat, then an apartment would be the best choice.
3. Consult an agent

Like anywhere else in the world, real estate agents can make your purchase easier. Especially when you’re a foreigner, and do not have the slightest idea of the properties available, besides those you see on the internet. Negotiations are also easier when you have someone helping you.
One thing to pay attention to, in particular, is whether or not the agencies you’re considering are reliable. Frauds in real estate are a common thing in Spain. Double-check who you’re working with.
4. Visit the area you wish to buy a property in

Blind purchase is never a good idea. Before you decide on a location, go spend some time over there, feel the pulse of the community and then finalize where and what kind of property you wish to invest in.
5. Check if the property has debt

Not everything will work as you’re used to when it comes to laws. It’s important to check if the property has some debt on it because you can buy with the property. In this country, the debt is tied to the property, and not the owner! Therefore, be careful and check multiple times.
If you follow these five simple steps when you choose to make your dreams come true, and own a property in Javea, you’ll do just fine. Just remember, you deserve it.